Sabian Symbols: Gondoliers in a serenade
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Society's grip upon behaviour is balanced between reward and punishment; romance is approved and supported "Celebration of permitted emotional expression" Even the normal palette of emotional expression is ritualised - for example in courtship protocols - and, for the most part, we find happiness when we are able to conform with accepted ways to live out our feelings. The lightheartedness that arises when we do is often festive.
Venetian gondoliers giving a serenade
Sentiment |
The mind becomes clear when the heart is at ease
The division of labour in society allows that each individual can find their own work, even underwriting the rather fanciful occupation of a gondolier. Some arrange for food to be on the table, others create serenades. Personal traits, sentiments, desires and preferences, will only be perfected when an individual is ready and willing to seek satisfaction in every moment, doing whatever work they are drawn to do, and enthusiastically accepting the resultant life-path. Although sentimentality, especially when taken to extreme levels, is unlikely to touch the deepest reaches of heart, it is nevertheless soft, and has an easing effect, which can engender harmony. Through this gentle process of creating coherence, the expanding self is able to face up to external challenges, and inner ambiguities, with greater courage. When the heart is at ease, the mind becomes clearer, and our tasks become simpler. The soul hungers for the perfection of love, which is so often sought in romance, where imagination is exalted. Music is an excellent metaphor to hint at the human potential to find a symphony within cooperative relationships. There is no merit in taking this idea to a position of extreme unworldliness – it is tantamount to a retreat from, even a betrayal of, self. Sentiments are to grace hard reality, not to replace it. The music of life flows through us at all times, and gets us to dance to its tune. The only legitimate response to this is enthusiasm and full-on participation with the self as it expresses itself. |