Sabian Symbols: Grande dames at tea
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Tradition is revered and the confused mind is centred by practising normal everyday functions in a ritualistic manner "The pursuit of excellence" There are rituals carried out in society, especially high society, that relate to the manner of dress, of conversation, of taking food and of celebration. These hold in place certain qualities that are otherwise lost - such things as dignity, elegance, respect for tradition and hierarchy, and such like. They also expose rebelliousness and dissension and so help protect the status quo and support the pursuit of excellence.
A group of aristocratic ladies meet ceremonially at a court's function
Aplomb |
May future generations always have better prospects than we ourselves inherited
Selfhood is the current, momentary focus of attention that we claim as our inward orientation. It is a highly concentrated set of values and experiences, and it derives as much from inherited racial assets as from anything uniquely personal. The traditions of one generation are always available to structure, underpin and strengthen the next. This does not deny our uniqueness of individualism; it merely helps to explain and enhance it. The grande dames are no doubt raising china cups to drink their tea, pinkies fashionably angled to display their social status as upper middle class, with their precious aplomb perfected by repeated practice. They learned all this from their mothers and ancestors, going back before time. And they will pass on their values through their offspring, assuring themselves of an effective continuance throughout the ages. We all do this, although perhaps not in such an effete manner. However, unless we decide to be, we are not actually constrained by this background continuity of how reality should be interpreted and projected. The threshold of aliveness is in the instant we awaken to the controversial discovery of new ways to take tea. We must endeavour to pass on to future generations more than we have received, and our gains need to be captured and presented to posterity. We have more to experience in life than the karmic payback of past indiscretions and services rendered, and are here to be creative and further the range of human articulation. Special privileges can so easily be squandered and selfishly enjoyed – but a person of aplomb will administer their inheritance for the greater good of their people, whether this is measured in material or spiritual terms. They do so as the foundation for further progressive elaboration in generations to come. Even apparently common experiences like taking tea contain a volume of information about humanity’s evolutionary history. It is for us to make our own common experiences speak as eloquently about the future, and use our traditions mindfully as the springboard for new ways to express human potential. |