Sabian Symbols: The gate to the garden of desire
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Aries 22 (21°- 22°)OPTIMISM AS A LIFE PATH
Abundance arising as a result of trust "Optimism, synergy, sharing and abundance as life principles" Contrasting the fighter's harsh, lonely path a softer way is open to those who share rather than compete. The benefits of synergy are then highly significant and the promise of great abundance is fulfilled. A further benefit is achieved – the development of an attitude of optimism and expectation of success.
The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires
ProspectThe gate to the garden of desire |
Vitality is made known by its appetite for new experiences
I am. I exist. I am alive. Beingness itself is the first and most mysterious truth. It is self-evident and incontrovertible – nothing can deny existence – and it is evidenced by desire. As desire opens up more prospects of self-disclosure, it rewards itself with a deepening of faith – and the affirmation of optimism. Curiosity and adventure are longings that pull us all into undiscovered regions of potential. In this way all new impulses are given form; they can be understood as the twigs and branches that give greater and richer diversity to shape the metaphorical tree of life. Free will allows us to choose hardship or the fruits of our heart’s desire. When those strong in faith strike out to fulfil desire, then the universe aligns and delivers. Character is shaped as we seek reassurance that our aims have value and are appreciated – that they serve to beautify life. The process is continuous, a reflection of the universal pattern of twigs and branches – thus do ideals become real, embodied in us and expressed as new facets of an evolving personality. Pursuit of self-fulfilment is directed with courageous enthusiasm towards new frontiers. Rivers are there to ford, mountains to climb. The overcoming of obstacles is welcomed as the only route to development. A pioneer is involved with stepping bravely where no-one has been before, gaining the advantages of being first. Arrival is not attractive as a final destination; it is simply a resting place. Fulfilment of visions would only offer evidence of the poverty of imagination. We are at the gate of the secret garden, the celebration of all desire. The prospect is abundance; a bounty that is beyond the reach of appetite for a normal person. Thoughts and deedsYet there is work to do! Fruit does not jump off the branch into the mouth, and fantasies are ten-a-penny without effort to realise them. Time spent a-dreaming has to be measured against time spent a-doing. Imaginings are powerful, creative urges that bind subtle feelings into substantial images. For dreams to come true these images have to become thought and deeds – and that requires effort.
Most people are caught up in the struggle for survival, yet others always enjoy the choicest fruits, the deepest relationships, the most exciting adventures. How do they do it? They celebrate life itself, with joyful, optimistic expectation that the superabundance of goodness promised in the Garden of Eden is theirs for the asking. A sense of the eternal comes through the heart as naive optimism, the conceit of youth, which is as blessed as it is charmed. This arrogance sees an unlimited future of desires fulfilled, only then to be replaced by new desire newly fulfilled – in a never ending tropical garden constantly and simultaneously in fruit, in flower, and in bud. |