Sabian Symbols: Groundhog looking for its shadow
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Sagittarius 15 (14° - 15°)TAKING PRECAUTIONS
As they say in the Middle East: Trust in Allah but tie your camel "Distinguishing what may be from what must be" The future comprises two components. Some things may happen or may not, and we cannot plan for these. But other things must happen, because that’s the way life is. There are currents of change and, once a seed is planted, its destiny rides on the current of life and becomes what it must become. We can make plans about these and in fact we must if we are to stay on track. If we look at the direction of societal and economic imperatives, of political unfolding, of climate change, of population statistics and so on we can see something of what must be coming. It is best to make our plans to take this into account.
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Groundhog looking for its shadow on Groundhog Day
Reassurance |
We approach the unknown with caution and wisdom
This groundhog image is of an ingrained timidity or lack of stability. These qualities are not normally considered attractive in a world that rewards power, courage and confidence. And yet it is worth observing that there is but one process by which we move forward in life: trial and error. It is meaningful to dip a toe to test the temperature of the water – this is an entirely sound approach into the unknown. If we are to capitalise on the situation at hand, then we have to become aware of the flow of things around us and the direction of drift of potentials. Our creative appreciation of possibility depends upon a certain degree of sensitivity to the changes. Rather than charging in headlong, we need to exercise caution and perspicacity. This is the best approach if we are to develop a talent correctly to determine our best course of action in situations fraught with danger or uncertainty. The groundhog is looking for the shadow – the feared aspect – of the situation. Many experiences are best anticipated and rehearsed. Of course we enjoy the spontaneity of responding to the unexpected, yet mostly our lives are made smooth, enjoyable and productive through careful planning, and taking measures to cope with rogue occurrences. The timid groundhog wants to feel reassured – as do we. Becoming increasingly sensitive to the slightest changes in the wind enables us both to feel secure, and to take the wisest option available. Thus, we see the link between caution and wisdom. Naturally we would do well to adjust our standpoint and direction according to these sensitivities. It is a great advantage to have a sensitive nature, as long as we trust in the intuitive realizations that occur as a result, and seek then to influence outcomes by adding a more subtle wisdom to the decision-making process. |