Sabian Symbols: Ideals of a man abundantly crystallised
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Libra 6 (5° - 6°)VISUALISATION
We tend to get whatever we imagine; so let us not imagine what we don't want to attract "The power of visualisation - for better or for worse" To the normal person life is to be observed and accommodated or suffered; yet an awakened person has a clear sense that it is we ourselves who create the outer circumstances of life, even to the last detail. It is Mind that creates. A strong, subtle and clear mind can both interpret the signals of the soul and resist the distractions of the body, holding focus upon the visualisation of that course which faith and optimism suggest.
A man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision
Personification |
Our values are simply escapist constructs – mind games – unless we live them out
Here we affirm that the very root of beingness arises out of meaning. In other words, we each come into being for no greater purpose than to personify the meaning of our lives. Personification of our ideals means crystallisation of our highest aspirations into our behaviour and situations. When face to face with opportunity, the human spirit’s sole dynamic is to bring form to its ideals – anything less than this is self-betrayal. Otherwise our ideals are nothing – playthings of the mind – since in and of themselves, these values are simply escapist constructs without significant worth. The embodiment of ideals into a set of behaviours, decisions and working principles is a great challenge that tests us fully. We are examined as to whether we are sufficiently sincere and adequately vigorous in support of our highest aspirations. So, can we find ways to integrate whatever we yearn to attain into our everyday situations? We find that for this to occur a strong, active, liberal imagination is the key. Abundance is the reward. Equally, the very lack of a powerful, vibrant imagination leads to self-defeat. It is not acceptable to live out someone else’s dreams and ambitions – yet that is what occurs if we fail to envision our own lives our own way. A measure of a person’s spiritual stage of evolution is found in how fully their deepest awareness can be brought into material expression. Manifesting a great richness of material life is evidence of profound spiritual attainment, although it is not the things themselves but the abundant richness that we are contemplating – which arises independently of trappings of wealth. |