Sabian Symbols: The Union Jack
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Capricorn 18 (17° - 18°)THE POWER OF STATE
We all live under the umbrella of an imperial force that has its own political agenda that rarely takes our preferences onto account "Coping with the tyranny of unconscious people" Political power exists because the majority of people are not yet sufficiently advanced to behave responsibly and with sensitivity to others’ needs and wishes. The protection provided by the State is a real and important necessity of civilised communities; and yet such power is a corrupting influence. Very few people are capable of using any power selflessly, and the greater the power, the bigger the risk of falling prey to its dark shadow.
The Union Jack flies from a British warship
Supervision |
Membership of any group always costs us some freedom of self-expression
Alone we are at the mercy of forces greater than any individual can defend against. The social/political structures that act as an umbrella are there, in part, to protect us. Weaving the fabric of a national flag is done day-to-day through matters of ordinary commerce and friendly interactions. The exchange of goods, services and attention is a very powerful binding force. Wealth and power are greatly multiplied when individuals pull together – there are high rewards for common effort, which go well beyond the fundamental expediency of defence against dangers from Nature and politics. Sadly, there is a tendency for the powerful and wealthy to become bullies, using strong-arm tactics to take what is not freely given. Empires rise and fall, and the background atmosphere of today’s living is made threatening because of their aggressive competition. The rewards are so high that the temptation for degenerate behaviour is too much. Nevertheless the permanent imprint of nationalism and hegemony exists as a modernising and very sought-after reality. Everyone’s reach has been expanded, everyone’s life touched and mostly softened by its inevitable commercial and technological ramifications. The price to be paid for being a member of any group is always freedom. To be protected by the Union Jack means that British forces of law supervise our lives. There is ever the risk of hubris, and it is often true that citizens of the current world masters become smug – whether Roman, English or American. It is food for thought that the enjoyment of this ugly quality has its own price – the smug are never free. |
The Union Jack
Commentary from Richard Grey
N - the Union Jack | identity | imperial force | the State | (political) agenda | protection | Nature H - interaction T - membership | atmosphere G - bullying | aggressive competition P - pulling together S - the price to be paid Y - risk of hubris/smugness I think this is primarily about No - living in a country that has a collective identity (the Union Jack) - which we may or may not like but which nevertheless we choose to remain a part of. |