Sabian Symbols: Spiritist phenomena
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Pisces 23 (22°- 23°)THE PRICE OF LIVING IS DYING
Whatever we do passionately puts us in harm's way "Notice how people suffer and live in confusion" Our grasp on the nature of reality is a blend of the intuitive and the taught, and if we want to establish the truth of our unique take on life then we have to substantiate that what we think or feel is true. In the New Age there are many hopeful people yearning for a new way forward and ready to grasp at straws believing in absurdities and trusting their untested intuition to an unrealistic degree. Such blind faith has more to do with blindness than faith. There are more charlatans and fools than there are wise and honest teachers and healers, and even the sincere leaders may not be fully awakened and be missing various pieces of the jigsaw. The real ones are typified by their willingness to serve, often expending significantly of their vital energies.
A 'materialising' medium giving a seance
Sensitivity |
We tend to make real whatever we imagine
The Spiritists were also called ‘sensitives’ – they were exceptionally open to subtle communications from non-physical realms, using Ouija Boards and mesmerism techniques. They teach that spirit reincarnates eternally. We are all subject to processes that shape the mind and condition its perceptions. There is a need for care, because we can become negatively affected by the stream of difficulties, real or imagined, which life presents to us. As a result of the common pessimism brought to bear upon this mind-training process, confusion and instability are widespread disorders of the general population. Poor mind-management will always result in disorientation, and probably subjugation. The more sensitive we are the more important this becomes because there is danger of a degree of possession when we open up. Yet when we learn to handle the workings of the mind, we become capable of shaping all situations to suit our values and preferences. It is worth remembering that the mind is sculpted by more than just our thoughts – our feelings are also very influential. This shaping is done by holding the attention continually upon the configurations of our chosen reality. We need to accept complete responsibility for creating the world in our image of how it should be – and only choosing to see that which reinforces our own positive world-view. This requires exceptional sensitivity, as we attempt to balance external phenomena with internal feelings and find the deepest understanding that links them. We make real only what we imagine in detail. The forces that support creation need very clear instructions in order to mould specific versions of reality and – for better or for worse – what we hold in our attention becomes those instructions. If this were not so, then free will and the organic integrity of the world would be compromised. In order to preserve the very orderliness of the universe, there must be a totally consistent relationship between inner and outer realities. The one is recorded within the contours of the mind, the other in the facts of our circumstances, as they unfold into the future. This process can be expanded, it indicates the way in which we participate consciously in life eternal. We become sensitive to the reality in which there is no end to life, no end to mind – just an eternal continuity that enables us to participate in the immortal truth of being. |