Sabian Symbols: Storm in a canyon
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Eventually our lives are disturbed by forces that call attention to the transient and shallow nature of luxuries "Facing crisis philosophically" However seemingly settled society is and however secure its members might feel, nonetheless there are forces that cannot be tamed. Each person will be faced with circumstances beyond their control and inevitably go through transformative emotional turmoil.
A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes
Intensification |
Humanity has an inherent power to overcome problems and dramatically create new ways forward
This image expresses how everything has an unassailable right to be itself. There is, within everything and everyone, an indomitable entitlement to be who and what we are, and therefore of consequence. This is shown in the energy with which we preserve ourselves, and how we access and enlist every resource in life in order to express ourselves more fully. With the purpose of having our values both identified and clarified, each one of us demands that our ideals are made manifest in some way – and, like the storm, we do not seek validation, or permission, before we allow our emotions and ideals to express themselves into the world. Self-satisfaction does not support further development, and occasionally we need to be thoroughly shifted by external forces. Not only does the violence and terror of a storm serve to lift a person out of their complacency – it also stimulates the ability to rise in supremacy over each momentary crisis. A storm becomes more intense in a canyon, as Nature unleashes its power very dramatically. This is in no way a greater expression of power than that inherent in humanity, in our ability and passion to create and overcome. Circumstances have the capacity, even the tendency, to pyramid, as indeed does a thunderstorm as it gets increasingly threatening. During a life crisis, each new development shows what is happening internally as our passions rise. It is inappropriate simply to enjoy the turmoil in a voyeuristic manner. These moments of intensification in life can be harnessed so as to impel us through periods of intractability into a new level of vitality. |