Sabian Symbols: A radical magazine
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Discovery leads to an unwillingness to accept the status quo "Going beyond established limits and collective opinions" Any sustained push in one direction must inevitably trigger a push-back of equal intensity; such is life at root. However much the powers of civilized authority require conformity, there will always be those who choose at whatever cost to reach beyond the boundaries to discover what lies there. Almost by definition these are the law-breakers, the marginals and the weirdos, who tend to be feared, ridiculed and scapegoated.
A revolutionary magazine asking for action
Tangency |
Through the tangential touch, we link to everything else
Personality effectively puts its stamp on everything it touches, even if the touch is merely tangential. This is because personality is a co-created form, a characteristic of relating, and is shaped as it shapes. A radical magazine touches our world with opinion and information about things right at the very edge of our awareness. Through such processes, we are linked to all and everything, and even the most subtle and hidden potentialities of our lives are introduced as real and functional aspects of our experience. We are often tempted to quarrel belligerently with those whose world view is radically different from our own. This is perverse behaviour and is unhelpful, particularly if it does not sponsor the raising of awareness. It is for us to come to terms with others who share very little of our perceptions and issues. Even if there is some confrontation, eventually a settled position must be reached. On occasion, the introduction of new ideas is entirely necessary to stir us at the deepest level in order to raise something important in our lives to a high degree of self-expression. The principal under review is finding an appropriate balance between inner and outer compulsions, with a clear sense that whatever stirs us deeply in our feelings has special worth in defining who we are. It’s worth remembering that change is the essence of all existence, so it is necessary for us to allow a significant element of adjustment and evolution in our interactions. This requires us to be exposed to viewpoints that challenge at root the status quo, and threaten our easy composure. |