Sabian Symbols: Sunshine just after a storm
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Leo 16 (15° - 16°)A FRESH START
There is always sunshine after rain and dawn after a dark night "Anticipating sunshine after the storm" From time to time, neither rarely nor often, the various ambiguities of our life come up against each other; clashing and banging occurs, a storm that has been brewing finds full expression and we find ourselves in crisis. Beyond that period of confusion and pain there is always a new beginning and it feels delightful and filled with joy and hope.
The storm ended, all Nature rejoices in brilliant sunshine
Recovery |
Storms are occasions to unclog our lives, an agency of renewal and revival
It is by no means easy or straightforward to destroy or even significantly diminish a person. Each of us has tremendous resilience and the power to bounce back. Indeed the strengthening process of setback and recovery is what enables self repeatedly to re-grasp itself. This ability is much more to do with psychological strength than physical. Our inner orientation is what matters most of all – basically are we negative or positive in our general outlook? The values by which we live endure. No matter what befalls us, certain principles and preferences constantly reassert themselves and prove faithful as measures and descriptive characteristics of our core identity. Storms arise. Each major life issue can present itself as a turbulent period of emotional instability, a threat to our sense of secure well-being and a reduced degree of confidence in the future. But they pass, and the sunrise speaks to us of both the reliability of life and our unassailable powers of recovery. The optimist sees the storms as opportunities to clear away the dross of our lives and as an agency towards reconstruction. Everyday stress and strain are employed as resources that sponsor the change process and enable us to enlist certain elements of our experience into some new effort or fresh approach. So, rather than getting upset over petty things, we use our troubles as entirely necessary means to an end. It is through them alone that we awaken our fullest powers of recuperation. The resultant stability of character inspires others to trust in us, mainly because we trust ourselves. Because we know we will always recover, we have no fear of the future, nor therefore the present. This faith in the inevitable return of things to their essential nature and is the foundation of exceptional steadiness of perspective. And since we accept everything with poise, fewer dramas occur and life can settle easily into a gentle, reliable rhythm. |