Sabian Symbols: Man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Leo 4 (3° - 4°)PROVING ONESELF
Demonstrating achievements and abilities has spiritual merit despite the high risk of becoming prideful "Finding a way to make relevant our own small achievements" In the process of personal evolution, life's primary purpose, it is entirely necessary to come up against restraints and examination in order to prove - to ourselves and to others - that we have realised certain abilities and qualities. Such achievements are attained by overcoming our animal nature.
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A formally dressed elderly man stands by trophies brought back from a hunting expedition
Morale |
An assertive person is empowered by receiving the community’s esteem
We can imagine a well-to-do man dressed just-so, back towards a fireplace in a wall emblazoned with the mounted deer head – feeling really good about himself and life generally. This is a person who makes an impact upon the world. Also, this is one who knows how to play to the gallery. Clearly part of the enjoyment of success is the sharing of it by a somewhat public demonstration, in order to receive applause. Morale is a power, and it requires that others approve of us and expect to see future attainments. We are able to demonstrate an exceptional capacity to attract the empowering esteem of our fellows only when we are willing to invest our sense of self-worth in a community validation. Multiple achievements are evidenced by multiple trophies. By this is made known both our constant contribution to society and the essence of our finest qualities. More typically, some of us like to display cups and certificates on our bedroom walls. There is a strong principle of self-assertion implied. This is further underlined by the dress-clothes – whose purpose is to impress and to claim both allegiance and authority, using the accepted tools of magic within our group. Business suits, posh cars and other glamours are techniques that bind the lesser into conformity with the greater; each enlisted into mutual service by their somewhat unconscious acceptance of the code. There is a real danger of loss of self when these clever methods are used without awareness. We can become as dependent upon the accolade as a child who craves a pat on the head. Even wearing a suit is like presenting a trophy for the applause it automatically engenders, yet in fact it is truly the cloth that it is respected - not the wearer’s essence but their ability to display prestige. To some extent, we have to play the game, because that’s how society works. But it is important to remember that it is a game – a game of obedience and reward, which, if we want to be free, we need to outgrow. |