Sabian Symbols: The head of health dissolving into the head of mentality
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 17 (16° - 17°)RATIONAL PERSUASION
Using mature and well reasoned argument to bring another to an unemotional understanding "Recognition of our youthful emotions and the maturing towards wisdom" This is a more controlled, male orientation, neither instinctual nor emotional, and typically represents a significant degree of mental discipline whose powers of persuasion are invested in intellectual strength and rational argument. In society, whereas the first taste of a new idea may well be highly emotional and non-rational, the settled position will be backed up by reason and intellectual proof that minimises subjective, individual interpretation.
The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker
Development |
Soul achievement is measured by awareness of self and empathic appreciation of others
The beginning of all development is the accurate and truthful approach towards the facts of the matter; for example it is on the level of physical health that well-being is finally measured. The freedom of mind is forced to reconcile with the constraints of body and all that entails, including how to cope with the world – and yet there is more to discover. As we advance, we go beyond this survival-level comprehension. The power of mind is unrivalled, and a well-rounded individual will be able to experience many lives in the realm of imagination, thereby developing an appreciation for other views and the different ways that people manage their own problems and aspirations. Whether this is facilitated by stories around the flickering campfire or flickering TV screen, we can learn so much about other possibilities and different attitudes of being. Since the mind has absolute authority, it needs to be treated gently if to maintain the body in good health; this amounts to developing a general way of life based upon optimism and perceptive consideration of how we interact with people. The mind is thus released from the strain of fear-based thoughts, which lead to anxiety and belligerence. Without constraints all achievements are of little consequence. Any fool may imagine, but it takes grit to actually deal effectively with reality, and a high degree of subtlety to understand how others deal with it differently. We all have to release the illusions and distractions of youth at some point as we come up against life’s hard knocks, and this process investigates everyone. We have to find the authentic and unique expression of our core values and creative angle on things. This process shapes the mind towards self-confidence and cooperative creativity, both of which have healing effect. We learn equally how to overcome difficulties, and to see exactly how to adapt our aim to align with a bigger, more realistic vision. The real game is not so much what we achieve in material terms but what we gain in terms of consciousness of self. A developed person has a great deal of self-awareness, and they inevitably mature in their faith. At this level of attainment the revelation occurs of an overarching vision for our lives – as an aspect of the eternal vision of a spiritually-aligned species of highly evolved beings. |