Sabian Symbols: The ocean covered with whitecaps
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Accepting the need to flow around obstacles that are beyond our capacity to influence "Avoiding being overwhelmed by the elements" Notwithstanding our sense of having power to influence the future, we are quite puny on the physical level, and forces of Nature plus forces of Spirit are overwhelmingly more influential in shaping outcomes.
The ocean of our unconscious drives is energised into dynamism by the winds of change that arise inherently out of the breath of life itself. We must learn that we are subject to the forces of higher and lower energies, super-conscious and unconscious, spiritual and animal aspects of self, and these are dominant streams of evolution that we can hardly control. Our task is to become subtle enough to surf the waves of change and stay with it all. Rudhyar: WHITE-CAPPED WAVES DISPLAY THE POWER OF WIND OVER SEA |
White-capped waves display the power of wind over sea
Irrepressibility |
Our appetite for experience tests our resourcefulness of spirit
There is a constant restlessness of spirit in any truly alive person, especially children for example. The white horses on the breezy ocean are both energetic and beautiful – and are clues to the inner condition of our basic vitality. This ceaseless activity is easily accommodated in our lives – we can never run out of new experiences to absorb every ounce of our energy for living. The extent to which we can call upon this life force, through a self-quickening process, is the extent to which we prosper in terms of both a spiritual and material sense of abundance. This is because such an appetite for experience brings with it a naive delight in finding answers to problems. When we are in normal good health, we enjoy the challenges of everyday life. The soul’s essentially attractive force anticipates the feeling of enjoyment it will have when it has attracted, identified and dealt with yet another puzzle, to test its resourcefulness. We know when we have taken this too far because we start to get signs of irritable exhaustion. Still, even then, a truly alive person is irrepressible and will always bounce back, stronger and perhaps a little wiser. |