Sabian Symbols: A church bazaar
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Money can be managed without the poison of greed "Interact with others with integrity and lightness of being" Since commerce often involves money the likelihood of greed is stronger. It is much easier to store surpluses of coin than food. By bringing a spiritual focus to such mundane transactions we can remind ourselves that sacredness can be found in all things, and then we are less at risk of losing ourselves to our shadow side.
A church bazaar
Benefit |
Our endeavours benefit by cultivating new contacts and consolidating old allegiances
A community thrives through its institutions and social events. It draws together people whose important loyalties are enacted through their participation in these shared responsibilities and activities. This is where we meet our neighbours, and both celebrate and discover friendship. The connecting is unremarkable yet it gives us all a chance to enjoy not only the warmth of fellowship, but also the pyramiding powers of accomplishment. Society organizes itself for the general wellbeing of its contributing members, and each of us has an innate ability to capitalize upon the enduring allegiances that develop within that. We gain as much benefit by what we give as what we receive; philanthropy is thus sustained. We are wise to be open and willing, in the knowledge that it is sensible to give when we can afford to give. The conception of this symbol lies beneath the surface – we need to understand the mystery that there is always a great deal more going on with such simple matters than perhaps is apparent. Something as simple and unglamorous as a church bazaar can be the instrument through which individuals apply real effort to make a contribution to human achievement, and to the enrichment of gentle, yet important contact with others. Most people drift around as if in a haze and fail to notice what is actually going on around them. There is always more to see than we are seeing – there is opportunity in every encounter. It is crucial to be open to possibility if we want to make the most benefit of our potential, and this openness is expressed by a particular attitude of attention. We must enter situations expecting to acquire something new and exciting – and of course this expectation significantly increases the likelihood that we will. We need to be careful not to exclude the less social types, and become smug and cliquey, because our best interests in the long term will be served by an all-embracing approach to connection. Generally speaking, there is always more to life than we can ever imagine, so openness to new input is an essential ingredient towards optimising happiness and greater fulfilment. |