Sabian Symbols: Fire worshipper
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Capricorn 13 (12° - 13°)MYSTICISM
Beyond all concerns of fame and fortune the mystic seeks to know the ultimate secrets of life "Resonating with enduring values" It is a little-know secret, hidden in plain sight by its own unlikeliness, that life is nothing more than a mirror, each of us experiencing it quite differently in our own unique way. Despite this world of delusion being entirely convincing to most people, the student of esoteric knowledge comes to see through the veil of illusion and discovers the greater truth. It takes more than a gentle heart and clear mind to break through the veil; it also takes a passionate will.
A Fire Worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence
Magick |
Connection to the Source is the creative power of the universe
Magick is the process by which ideas take physical form. The measure of a magician has to do with the speed and precision of manifestation. Although available to anyone who chooses to employ it, magick does not routinely appear as a realistic resource for any but the smallest minority. Those who feel its power know it as a perpetual inner fire, which awakens all the more with training, practice, and worship. They are constantly aware of their intimate and sacred connectedness to the creative power of the universe and its Source. With such familiarity comes skill – a truly extraordinary skill – to enlist every worldly advantage and asset to bring exaltation to ourselves. With practice, there arises a deep realisation that this divine spark is there to be used daily as a practical tool to deal imaginatively with whatever comes along, and to enact the ready materialisation of all aspects of personal desires and ambitions. A mystery is revealed – that by continually reaffirming the spiritual qualities of our aspirations, and the dedication of all our possessions and talents to the Spirit of Creativity, then all is accomplished with the mastery and ease that comes from the heart-felt certainty of true faith. Thus worldly ambitions and aspirations are so completely spiritualised that life is a constant prayer, a continual outreach to the Divine. Accordingly, we can define the methodology of magick as faith, mastery and prayer. It’s true that such an approach has dangers – those in particular associated with over-estimation of personal capacity and worth. Conscience is like a red flag that warns us of the impending danger – that we are about to lose our sense of true Self by exalting the ego. Against this risk, there needs to be practised the observance of unimpeachable trust in our certainty of success and worthiness of motive. Such vigilance can lead towards a surrender of all of our emotional attachments – so that eventually our state of being becomes completely independent of circumstances. We must learn to relax into having no ambition, to allow that success is the end of all wanting – that success lies in bringing to an end all sense of want. When this is achieved, then the ready realisation of personal ideals can be brought to the level of miracle. |
Fire worshipper
Commentary from Richard Grey
No - physical form | manifestation Hello - ideas Thanks - personal desires and ambitions Goodbye - practice | deep realisation | deal imaginatively | Please - creative power | deal imaginatively | heart-felt certainty of true faith | constant prayer Sorry - unimpeachable trust Yes - the universe | Source | divine spark | continual outreach to the Divine | relax | success | miracle | Mysticism | ultimate secrets of life | connection to the Source |