Sabian Symbols: A fellowship supper
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Scorpio 10 (9° - 10°)CAMARADERIE
Group activity generates a deep sense of belonging, and willingness to help others and join in with their ups and downs "Enjoyment of friendliness" Sharing in life’s activities with others binds us to them not only during the activity itself; there are feelings created that can endure over surprisingly long periods of absence. What occurs during the sharing of our lives is the creation of a group identity with its own personality, beliefs, code of conduct and atmosphere. This is certainly a real and important aspect of who we are – our comradeship is a higher-order aspect of self-expression and self-discovery.
A fellowship supper reunites old comrades
Fraternity |
Society is the context for self-expression
Fraternity indicates a very particular type of human interaction. It is not parental, nor is it sexual, yet it is intimate and as influential in building society as these other types of involvement. Brothers, sisters, and neighbours expand our world in a special way – one that requires us to show a high degree of personal responsibility and self-awareness. The simplest of everyday requirements, such as eating supper, is directed by the physicality of our being. It seems so trite to bring attention to such a self-evident truth – yet there are those who fail to appreciate quite how fully our lives are arranged to meet our physical needs. For example, we form the fellowship of our social connections with a really clear understanding of how such ties will attend to our essential requirements. On a basic level, we need others to help us through every phase of life, in the same way that certain animals could not survive without living together in a group. Typically, there is an inclination to live out these animal tendencies and surrender our individuality, but this is to be resisted if we are to maintain our integrity. This attitude of resistance is not something that our fraternity approves of at all – in fact there is a real risk of banishment if such self-expression goes too far away from the median level of behaviour. The grooves of communal activity and shared experience are in place not to avoid self-expression and self-determination, but supposedly to help channel these important qualities of individual life within the context of shared needs and visions. Still – we do have to make a claim if we want to cut our path differently from the common, communal direction of purpose. In one sense, there is no mystery here at all – this is how, in everyday ways, we offer practical support to our community – we do what we do in order to invest in a society that allows an acceptable degree of self-expression. But only up to a point. If we surrender independence then we lose the very reason for our life, because we fail to encounter our own destiny, lost as we are in the group experience. Our highest responsibility is to ourselves, and society is just the context for that, not the superseding validation of it. |