Sabian Symbols: A labour demonstration
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 21 (20° - 21°)OUTBURST
It is healthier to release pent up emotions rather than to continue repressing them "Allowing an outburst of pent-up feelings" Workers treated unfairly by oppressors are so often over-stimulated to act hysterically by the rhetoric and other clever mind traps of those who want to stir up trouble. Similarly we are all subject to the persuasive force of words from politicians, marketing managers and authority figures, to elicit particular behaviours. Yet part of us rebels against this - it may sound right but it doesn't feel right - and an inner compulsion causes us to rebel emotionally.
A tumultuous labour demonstration
Representation |
Debate upholds the honour of human spirit, crafting justice and depth of principle
When people feel the lack of representation in deciding important matters, then they rise up. A labour demonstration is the normal method in the industrial arena – workers strike and management is required to respond. It is typical that almost always the underlying, conflicting issue is seen as one of justice and the right to fair treatment. Karl Marx has presented the philosophy that ‘property is theft’, that private ownership is invalid and that no one person should, for selfish enjoyment, and with an exception of social stewardship, control resources that properly belong to the community. Bluster and emotional ill-will are futile behaviours. Appropriate representation of a cause needs to be presented cogently and with unified strength. It takes courage to tackle major issues, and yet without such confrontations these values cannot be identified as core principles, nor proclaimed as appropriate social hypotheses. Yet as a result, inevitably both sides to a dispute are forced to raise their consciousness, and face what has previously been swept under the carpet. Groups and individuals prosper to the extent that they find justification for what they are and what they do. Each determines values by which to validate their activities, and such determinations have to be hard-won in order to have true merit and any depth of substance. In this way we observe that conflict can have a very positive effect – and, if we would only trust in the unimpeachable integrity of human spirit, we could allow more controversy in our dealings with each other. Conflict has a very bad reputation, some think of it as simply wrong. Yet, if handled well, it surely leads towards positive, evolutionary change – as nothing else could. Our circles of influence are built around values – and values are established through demonstration and resistance. We cannot escape dispute if we are to build an authentic philosophical basis for our lives. |