Sabian Symbols: A parrot listening then talking
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
We can learn how to open our minds and tongues to transmit communications from higher beings "Trusting in the mysterious inner voice of guidance" A mind free of self-imposed constraints and yet still rational and disciplined is suitable for employment as a medium through which to draw down communication of a higher order. We can channel messages even though we do not yet understand them. They come in various ways – through speech, writing, creative works, dance and spontaneous behaviour for example.
A parrot repeats a conversation he has overheard
Conventionality |
Public conventionality promotes general stability; personal ideals are a private matter
Most people behave according to conventional markers about what is and is not acceptable in terms of passionate speech, behaviour – and even thoughts and feelings. This programming serves the community by constraining individuals, and establishing secure boundaries. Within these general parameters, we have the freedom to express ourselves fully, and so we can consciously choose the shape of our personal lives. More intimately with our own circle, we examine the tensions between private principles, of our own ideas, and what we outwardly express in accordance with conventionality. It may take exceptional skill to do this. The parroting of opinion will not be enough, but it is a first step to form rapport. In these community-building exchanges, opinions expressed have no great profundity of importance – the outer form is of no great consequence – however the atmosphere we convey has great importance, it speaks subtly and silently of our inner world of feelings. In this way, whatever may be going on in general society, we can bring the atmosphere of our lives to a point of personal aspiration. Whether we find ourselves in 12th century China or 21st century New York, something unique about us must and will inform the tenor of our circumstances. On the level of soul, this has greatest value – because circumstances are of little consequence to the essence of our being, tone is everything. We continually project our beloved self-image onto the current situation, and can adjust what we choose to show or hide. By this means, we select and reject which of the component parts of our deepest identity we want to expose and have measured and tested. The danger always lies in getting caught up in idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretence, so we do need to be somewhat provocative at times in order to keep alive the hidden truth of our unconventional aspects. The community, by its very nature, lacks depth and originality – it is designed to support parrot-like opinions. So we learn to hold alive two faces – essentially the public one that accepts, and the private one that often rejects. Yet the raw substance of our intelligence is gleaned from involvement with the community – so the private one must expand itself, to become sensitive to the continual reworking of reality, and find a way to perfect private ideals even as they tend to contradict current social values. |