Sabian Symbols: Albatross feeding from the hand
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
If we purify the heart, then we radiate love to all beings and trust in the certainty of serenity and joy "Radiating peaceful harmony" We hear the stories of certain characters whose total absorption into the field of kindness enables them to radiate peace and joy; St. Francis of Assisi comes to mind. With them even wild animals feel trust, and surrender their instinctual fear. Trust begets trust and the world will be free of war when and only when it becomes the prominent mood of our species.
Albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor
Nurture |
Our right to eat is authorised by our willingness to feed
In literature, the albatross is metaphorically a burden, something that eats from our hand and calls upon us to be cared for. This image has to do with the basic self-justification – on the practical side of life – that arises within us to the extent that we nurture others who come to depend upon us. It is as though our right to eat is conditional on our willingness to feed. A person establishes themselves as they expend their own energy and resources – which in turn encourages others to do same – thus creating the dynamic whereby abundance is produced and attracted. We need to give in order to receive. Although there are periods of imbalance in this, eventually there must be, and there will be, the fulfilment of this universal equation. All systems, including humans, obey the cosmic imperative of energy equalisation. Unusual success, dramatising our fullest potential and bringing us to complete life-achievement, comes to those who understand and fully embrace this principle: first give away what you most want to get back. This requires determined faith because it seems counter-intuitive, and to run so much against collective teachings of scarcity and the consequent need for self-protection. To reap abundantly we must sow abundantly. There is also the pragmatic consideration that if we take the initiative in meeting the various needs of others, then we can reasonably expect them to stir appreciably and similarly on our behalf when the time comes that we are the ones in need of nurture. Whatever personal longings we have, we are completely dependent on the world at large for their actualisation. We can achieve nothing alone – so we must participate in the fundamental implied formula for community involvement – exchange of nurture. |
Albatross feeding from the hand
Commentary from Ana Neves
It sounds strange imagining an albatross feeding from the hand. They are uncommon where I live and so, as the early life experience of Capricorns, the vision of such an animal being fed by the hand feels awkward and unbalanced. And then time. And as time passes by all awkwardness evolves into a life and eventually a life transforms into a mastery of some kind. Right until the point where you find yourself able to attract an albatross and give him food from your hand. |