Sabian Symbols: Drilling for oil
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 6 (5°- 6°)ZEALOUS APPETITE
Insatiable questing for information and knowledge takes us into emotional process and the uncovering of dark secrets "Zealous appetite for knowledge" In the same way that some people are greedy for wealth and power, others seek to penetrate deep into the hidden realms in pursuit of knowledge. Whereas material trappings of success are the most popular goals, a more awakened soul knows that knowledge is a higher achievement. Gemini is as interested in delving deep into the dark unknown realms of the unconscious (oil) as they are to pursue the higher wisdom of spirit (refining).
Workmen drilling for oil
Speculation |
Progress is mostly about taking risks as we follow our urges to enrich our experience of life
Drilling for oil requires a great degree of specialisation by which we concentrate our sense of self-motivation single-pointedly. We are motivated by the wish to broaden our reach and availability of resources. Yet perhaps we are going too far in areas of self-exploitation – it is speculative; it carries risk. We are naturally inclined to endow each and every life experience to the fullest extent. We seek to optimise our wealth – including wealth of experience – and this is not a safe process, nor without core-level challenges to our sense of self and self-worth. The pursuit of this life direction, as with any other, can stimulate us to evolve an indomitable strength of effort. It is no easy task to exploit the earth’s hidden wealth and requires us to dig no less deeply into our selves. The outer effort clearly reflects the inner. We never really know what to expect. We have clear hopes for this enterprise to reveal its abundance and repay our efforts – but typically, as we pursue uncertain objectives, we have to be open to the revelation of new dimensions of life and of self, which may or may not fulfil our desires and expectations. The process itself is the true reward. The utmost depths of potential in character are revealed to us but not without effort and active participation in the furthering of life experience. The participation, not the outcome, is the most rewarding part of this equation. None of this is available to us unless and until we accept the need for risk. Essentially, personal and species evolution is mainly about speculation. |