Sabian Symbols: Indians making camp
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Scorpio 26 (25° - 26°)ADAPTABILITY
We must learn how to respond to the changing environmental conditions within which we live "Trusting that we can find whatever we need wherever we go" Try though we may, we cannot tame Nature, nor ever will, and eventually we succumb to its ways and powers. Yet we can learn through this, by observing and tuning in to Nature, how to adapt comfortably to all situations. We can guard against the worst of it by wearing clothes and building shelter but in the end we surrender. And this ability – being adaptable – is like gold since it allows us the freedom to flow without anxiety.
American Indians making camp after moving into a new territory
Extemporization |
When we have learned how to seek, then we have discovered how to find
Acknowledgement of hardship should not imply an unambitious acceptance of things as they are, but rather stimulate us to develop stronger determination and greater abilities. Throughout the ages, hunter-gatherers have commonly relocated and, when making a new camp, expected to be able to collect whatever they required locally. Similarly, when we are in the dynamic flow of life, we find that everything we actually need, for our survival, our comfort, and all other purposes, can be found close at hand. Not everyone notices and makes claim, yet in every moment there is a wide range and a superabundance of resources and opportunities for new and worthwhile experiences. No map or musical score exists to help us choose or reject these various options – we must extemporise in response to outer situations and inner feelings. If we think outside of the box, then even in a seemingly unsupportive environment we can find what we want. Perceived reality is nothing more than the accumulated result of our own innumerable affirmations and rejections in everyday dealings with the world. The wherewithal exists for us to do whatever we choose, and to be whomever we decide to become, as long as we have complete faith to do what feels right according to our personal values and preferences. Yet we do have to engage fully with our current reality in order to claim its benefits. Devotion is a force of manifestation and, in some mysterious way, we create an appropriate set of life circumstances by investing ourselves wholeheartedly in the required outcome. This teaching articulates an inexhaustible capacity for repeated self-establishment as our lives and situations move on through the changes. However, we must work with whatever arises to make it suit our purposes, and utilise whatever there is available with the clear intention to act assertively and bend things to our will. Each of us has the gift of resourcefulness and the freedom to employ the art. In order to achieve true self-fulfilment, we need to be fully alert to seek and find the possibilities inherent within what there is around us and within us. Such alertness can be practised and improved; when we have learned how to seek, then we have discovered how to find. A very useful attitude of mind, which supports this insight, is the enjoyment of challenge. When we trust in our skilful resourcefulness, then we delight in testing it and showing it. Every new situation is another opportunity to demonstrate that we can cope creatively with whatever comes up, and this facility is an essential ingredient that characterizes the human species. |