Sabian Symbols: Man teaching true inner knowledge
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
A teacher's methods and words lead a student to the point where knowledge passes by 'osmosis' rather than expression "True teachings are shown not told" Controversy has arisen about the spiritual relationship between student and teacher, largely due to abuses of power. However, there is a healthy, helpful process that can occur when the student is encouraged to show reverence not to the teacher but to what the teacher reveres and reveals - the Truth. Knowledge does not need to be reinvented; it can be rediscovered in full provided there is an unbroken transmission through the ages. This requires that student and teacher are present together in a heightened state of conscious beingness.
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A man revealing the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a "new world" could be built
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A real teacher tunes into another’s workaday life and recognises unrealised potential
Qualities lie dormant in us until claimed and expressed, and then recognised by another; in some cases it is the recognition that comes first. So, a teacher who can see the potential in another, and who can understand and name it, demonstrates a degree of creative genius – and effectively is co-creating otherwise defunct potentialities. Rather than the skill merely to show knowledge of form and method, it is this ability, possessed only by authentic teachers, to recognise and so awaken another's potential, that demonstrates true inner knowledge. It takes sensitivity and empathy with another – not only to recognise these hidden potentials – but also to meet them, and so sponsor them. This furnishes the confidence that leads to an expanded repertoire of their personality and behaviours; people will experience more, and participate more successfully in society. To connect well with others, it’s easier if affinity is based on everyday things – because everyone is concerned with them, unlike questions of spirituality and philosophy. We all have communal duties for example, so sharing some of their burden promotes cooperative involvement and better mutual understanding. To be true to ourselves, we must be true to others, and this means having an optimistic supportive attitude to the ultimate potential that we perceive in them, and to orient ourselves to their highest qualities. We are by no means small and contained, but vast and involved. Others are aspects of us and the world is a description of self – a true teacher knows and shows this. Yet someone with this ability needs to be careful not to lose focus and simply demonstrate their own skill and insights. The prideful use of them is a subtle form of manipulation that is often used in order to dominate and control. However, if the inspiration is true and clear, then it cannot be threatened by ego pursuits, since all expressions of pure spirit result in unsullied outcomes. Insights that come from such an understanding can often lead to a genuine path of enthusiasm and passion. So, as a matter of aspiring to, and demonstrating, a greater integrity of being, it is useful for us to connect with people by helping them to optimise their potential. We can all develop the flair to reveal qualities into consciousness – and reaching out to help others is as much self-realisation as it is self-expression. |