Sabian Symbols: A squirrel hiding from hunters
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
The dangers of life come from our fellow man as well as from Nature "Balance trust with caution" Without a high degree of trust and intimacy such as exists for example in tribal communities, there is always the real threat of aggression in the world. The appropriate response to this is neither fear nor blind faith, it is caution. The Sufis say ‘trust in God but also tie your camel’.
A squirrel hiding from hunters
Caution |
When risk exceeds potential gain, it is wise to be very cautious
Fear wears many faces and is mostly born out of psychological imbalances; it is therefore unhelpful and neurotic where its expression is self-debasing timidity. However, with the light of intelligence, fear becomes caution and is a reasonable strategy for the maintenance of self-interest. Sometimes it takes courage to refuse to engage in certain activities, and this is appropriate when the risk exceeds the potential gain. A few nuts, however important, are insufficient incentive for the squirrel to expose itself to the hunter’s gun. Such an uncompromising loyalty to self-interest focuses enduring values into a communal system that binds us together with others who share these values. Our hopes and fears are equally significant in creating our tribe mentality, the early expression of civilisation. As with any species, humanity is tested as to whether it can collectively demonstrate sufficient survival skills. Good judgement is such a skill, and our survival is contingent upon it; we need to do the right thing as a group. Humanity’s gift is that of free will, so therefore its test is whether, by the application of good judgement, it is thought wise to do this, or to do that. Then actions follow conscious decision rather than instinctual reactions. Feedback – as to whether our judgement has been sound as a long term policy – ultimately takes the form of survival and abundance, or even extinction – the threat of which comes as a dire warning. From this rather stark process is evolved the only true independence of spirit, which will enable us to know what spirit is. This is God consciousness, and is the final mystery that can show us not only how to survive but why. The light is unknowable without the dark – so trust is born out of fear, and never without it. But rather than permit degenerate non-specific fear to rule us, we need to bring the light of consciousness to the equation. |
A squirrel hiding from hunters
Commentary from Pieter-Jan Ardies
This is the degree of my birth sun. It is interesting to see that when I let the symbol get to me I could quite easily associate my soul capacity to the symbol, but the idea of fear never came to me. These squirrels are at home and the hunters aren't. They are there very temporarily. They are not looking for me, they are looking for any squirrel or forest animal that is not cautious. As long as you are alert, there's no real danger. How well equipped the hunters are, their visit here is not as natural as mine. This symbol has a very "home" and freedom quality. |