Sabian Symbols: A woman drawing two dark curtains aside
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Scorpio 20 (19° - 20°)FAITH IN THE FUTURE
We have no way to know all that could happen in the future yet a certain inner attitude makes it possible to trust that all will be well "Through the deepening of faith, opening up to an expanded future" Faith is a great and powerful liberator. When we have found its shoreline and grasped its full significance we begin an exploration of a whole new order of being alive. The veils are drawn aside and we see more, so much more, of what is occurring and why – and what we can do next to add beauty and love to the world. Our appetite for adventure-filled experiences is matched by our courage and curiosity. Life speeds up and the fun starts. Here is the answer to all of our questions!
A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway
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Daring |
The soul is courageous and free, its essence-stuff is the spirit of daring
The vitality of human life is centred in the understanding that there is no ultimate reward to be found until we cross the threshold of common limitation. Animal behaviours are insufficient to inspire us – we need more to feel alive than keeping the species going by creating offspring whom we feed and house. The enduring values that describe our species go deeper than the facade of the daily round; it is simply not enough to go to work to get paid to buy the shopping and pay the rent. Our desire-nature, the passionate queen of all feelings, is directional. It is pointing us to whatever is the most exciting way to penetrate deeper into the mystery. In the image, a woman has courage to risk penetrating through darkness. The twin veils of ignorance and fear have to be put aside if we are to be free. The soul is indeed essentially courageous and free, its essence-stuff is the spirit of daring. If we feel this – and only when we feel this – we are aligning with the soul, and its eternal life-purpose to have unending adventures. There is a psychological indomitability with which human spirit plunges ahead into every new adventure of accomplishment. We have appetite to do more, and reach out beyond what is safe and assured. There is the need for balance – passion and reason each cooperatively engaged because taken to a level of foolishness, this quality of daring can be distorted into silly exhibitionism and crass recklessness. Yet without some risk of foolishness we are constrained to be less than we could be. Our very life is not our own unless we grasp the moment at hand and gamble on the probability of our unassailable continuance. |
A woman drawing two dark curtains aside
Commentary from Mandy McKinley
The High Priestess of the Tarot. The path to inner wisdom. The path to the self. The road less travelled. Entrance only for the tried and true. Divine Feminine. Great Mystery. Rite of passage. Mystery school. Third eye opening. Spirit guide. The rabbit hole/door to the Underworld. The Spirit of the Depths. |