Sabian Symbols: A bald headed man
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Virgo 28 (27° - 28°)MAKING A CLAIM
At times we can no longer accept the way things are and feel impelled to take executive action even at the cost of disturbing the status quo "Honing the will to exceptional levels" The time always eventually comes for changing the old ways because they are outworn and unsustainable. The power necessary to upset the order is very often focused in one person whose strength of will and clarity of intent are exceptional. Such a force cannot be contained by collective resistance, and loyalty to the past; it creates such an intensification of vital energy that old structures crack, old standards are thrown out and new ways find a foothold and begin their time.
A baldheaded man who has seized power
Dominance |
When we have the better hand, we should play it
The image is evocative of a particular type of individual who is completely in control; he never lets his hair down. We observe here that, in one who has mastered their emotions, the tendency is very strong to dominate others. Sometimes this is done too forcefully. It is not appropriate in any normal aspect of human experience for a person to take sadistic delight in becoming a scourge of his fellows. Such behaviour is evidence of unresolved childhood issues, however sophisticated may be the dressing that cloaks the bully – which incidentally is very often the suit or uniform. However, often by taking control we are called upon to serve the interests of others – who will enjoy a richer and more enjoyable life as a direct result of our asserting authority. Whatever special excellence we develop will be challenged – events arising will test our capacity to hold sway; personal attainment requires this. In any situation, when we have the better hand, we should play it – even against dissenters. A self-disciplined expert, master of their craft, has a certain kind of character – with a drive of personal power that can create or advance widespread opportunities for community. Social conscience calls upon us never to neglect our fellows. To avoid the chance to create benefit amounts to neglect, therefore we are obliged to take command whenever we see the potential community benefit in doing so. The way to avoid the risks of over-forceful leadership is to take simple satisfaction on an inner level instead of the outer. Rather than look for manifestation of worldly power, we can feel the condition within of being in a state of self-mastery – and let our resulting dominance of others take its inevitable course in the world as gently as possible. |