Sabian Symbols: Two dutch children talking
This universal idea is best expressed through planets in
Gemini 15 (14° - 15°)VALIDATION
Received messages are not free from the bias of subjective interpretation so we should get confirmation if we can "Confirmation and validation" However trusting and confident we may be in our ability to reach into subtle realms of perception and communication, it is nonetheless of critical importance that these are validated by normal rational processes. Those who shun this simple and reasonable discipline often become rather silly and accept foolish ideas as fact, they can glorify unworldliness and disdain intellect and rationality; some even lose their mental and psychological integrity.
Two dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge
Clarification |
One familiar with our roots sees us – because they hear our unguarded, graphic truth
It seems obvious, but worth mentioning, that we generally try to find ease in every situation; it is the default behaviour to bring things around to our advantage such that we feel at ease. It is also assumed that a person has a somewhat creative interest in a range of matters. It is unavoidable that we contribute something of ourselves to the milieu in which we operate, and anyone unable to share their ideas and impressions would be considered rather narrow-minded. Each of us has a childlike familiarity with our roots – the Dutch children can be assumed to be speaking with more clarity in their native tongue than, for example, English, and therefore reaching not only a more subtle empathy but a more refined degree of self-exposition. In linguistics it is taught that words not only describe our sense of reality but also create it, so the lack of a way to describe something limits our ability to experience that thing. We can access a better grasp on life and get to a point of real clarification by talking easily with someone who understands us – significantly because they share a similarity of childlike experiences. Self-confidence is the key to open up any and all avenues of life. It grows in direct correlation with the extent to which we learn to speak the unbridled colourful truth of all we have known and desired. If we limit our verbal expression, for example if we are low in confidence or have in our lives nobody who understands us, then to some extent we will limit our range of experiences. In the end, all relationships are reduced to a commonality of skills and backgrounds. No empathy can resonate between people who share nothing of ultimate value. Unless we can really tune in to another person’s core sense of self, all connectedness remains superficial; nothing really matters between us. We find ourselves through others. For this reason, the development of a rich and deep style of communicating is of the greatest importance. First, our experiences are vicarious; later they are personally realised. We cannot find terms for who we are unless we first borrow them – so we need to be open to certain others very deeply if we are to be open to our own hidden potentials. |